Many eschew politics as tainted or corrupt. Even more difficult is the thought of working in and through the UN to make a positive difference in the world. Though we wash our hands of it, thankfully some remain to fight the fight, because a worldview (with billions of dollars attached to it) is at stake.
Austin Ruse of C-Fam has been slogging it out in New York for years, strafing anti-natalist policies hidden in literally mountains of clerical minutiae. With the help of a good congressman, he has just won an important battle:
In and unusual exchange this week in the US Congress, among the highest ranking UN officials admitted that the term "reproductive health" does not include abortion, at least in the context of the recently decided Millennium Summit Declaration.
The exchange came during a hearing of the US House Committee on International Relations when Congressman Chris Smith questioned Mark Malloch Brown, senior adviser to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Smith asked Brown three times if "reproductive health" included access to abortion. Brown finally admitted that it did not.
The Millennium Summit Declaration, decided two weeks ago after more than a year of negotiations, calls for "universal access to reproductive health by the year 2015." Pro-abortion forces at the UN prefer that these terms remain undefined so they can be interpreted broadly later on. Though the UN has never official defined "reproductive health" as including abortion, UN agencies and powerful non-government organizations interpret the term as including abortion and use it to pressure governments to change their laws. It is therefore extremely significant that one of the highest ranking officials in the UN Secretariat has admitted before a Congressional Committee that this interpretation is wrong.
This marks another in a series of ongoing victories for pro-lifers in the UN where the debate is almost always and tediously about the advance of abortion. Pro-abortion forces wanted the new Millennium Declaration to be chock full of vaguely pro-abortion language. What they got was a single mention of reproductive health that has now been announced by Kofi Annan's right hand man as excluding abortion.
To thank Congressman Smith, write to him at [email protected]. To thank Austin Ruse, pray for him, for his intentions, and if possible support this worthy group.