Dear Friends,
Blessing of the season to all of you.
I continue to work on my book on marriage and hope it will be published this year. In the meantime I developed a 4 hour seminar for Catholic Citizenship, a group which is working to amend the Massachusetts constitution and overturn the court ordered redefinition of marriage.
The seminar is called "Truth and Compassion." It is designed to help ordinary people explain the issue to friends and family. It has already been given twice and was well received. If you live in Massachusetts and are interested in scheduling a seminar in your area, you can email Catholic Citizenship at [email protected]. Those in other areas can email me and I will get back to you
The Dictatorship of Relativism
In 1995 I had the privilege to spend 30 minutes with Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. It was clear then and has become even clearer as the years have passed that from his unique position he has been able view the entire battlefield on which we, as individual warriors, are struggling. Therefore, when he pointed out that our opposition is has been working for decades to establish a "Dictatorship of Relativism," I recognized that he was calling all of us to focus on this particular evil.
The promoters of the Dictatorship of Relativism insist that the highest virtue is tolerance – not because they themselves are tolerant -- but because they see it as a way to disarm their opponents.
They have convinced a great many people that no one can know anything for certain except that no one can know anything for certain. Therefore all opinions are equal and anyone who doesn't accept Relativism as the only true faith is an intolerant bigot and a dangerous person – a fundamentalist. By this means they equate faithful Catholics and sincere Evangelicals with Islamic terrorists.
These Relativists do not offer any proof for their claim that no one can know anything for certain. In fact, they do not really believe it themselves. They are quite convinced that their views are correct and those who oppose them are wrong. They are Relativists only in that they believe that whatever opinion they have today can change tomorrow. In spite of this, they insist that whatever they are for today be enforced by law and everyone who refuses to conform submit to reeducation, be charged with a hate crime, or be marginalized as an intolerant bigot. They are ensconced in places of power and not afraid to use their power to further their agenda.
While they appeal to democratic principles and human rights, they respect neither. They are particularly hostile to freedom of religion. They claim they are for tolerance, but demand that we deny our faith in a living God, who has spoken, will judge, and can save.
We have our work cut out for us. I continue to write for
May God bless our efforts in this coming year.
Dale O'Leary
How can a Relativist sit as a juror if all truths are subjective? And wouldn't a Relativist be an Anarchist in sheep's clothing?
Posted by: Teresa | Sunday, 01 January 2006 at 02:55 AM