There has been a great deal of controversy over the bishops' response to the abuse crisis in recent years, none more so than their insistence that "armed" children will not be abused. Rather than placing the onus on each diocese so that priests are well-formed men of integrity, they place the burden on the children, who should know a "good touch" from a "bad touch" at very young ages. This approach is so deep and penetrating that the programs themselves interfere with the normal development of young children and introduce sexual ideas (and fear) when latency should prevail. Wrong and bad.
I would like to point out three site that are well-suited to speak to these programs, each with a wealth of information as well as the ability to connect parents who wish to discuss this further. These are Veil of Innocence, Primary Educators, and The Primary Educators' League. Knowing what the programs entail and what can be safely offered to your own priest as a virtuous alternative will go far in truly protecting the children who need solid formation.
Thanks for addressing the topic of this sinister program in your blog and many thanks for the links to those terrificly informative sites! I have a collection of other links to sites of more information on this VIRTUS program at my blog, as well:
Posted by: Georgette | Monday, 20 March 2006 at 06:42 AM