Simcha shares my disdain for this bumper advert for imbecility ("COEXIST" written with religious symbols), though she phrases it far better than I ever could:
I guess it wouldn't be so grating if it just spelled out its little one-word sermon in regular letters, although I realize the message would lost some of its putative punch that way. I see what they're trying to do by using symbols as letters: they're trying to say that all of these ideas, Christianity, Judaism, Peace (which is separate from Christianity, dontcha know), Yin Yangitude, etc., all fit together into one large, overarching shelter called "coexistence." [snip]
By using meaningful symbols as mere letters in a word, this bumper sticker subsumes the significant and specific into a suffocating mass of indiscriminate acceptance. Don't use the cross as a T, okay? And don't use the star of David as an X. They're not, like, logos for "Jesus Brand" and "Judaism, Inc."
Drop by to read the entire argument, or revisit my old crabby report on another set of bumper art.