Violence against women is a sad reality of every day life in most areas of the world. There are many contributing factors, which combine the greater physical strength of most men with cultural constructs that allow women no recourse -- but the press to protect women doesn't include the greatest violent act of all: abortion. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) tries to short-circuit the outcome with heavy penalties for those accused of hurting women while ignoring the sexual predators who count on easy access to women borne of a contraceptive mentality.
Sadly, Georgetown University's Law Center and the National Organisation for Women's former legal arm, now called "Legal Momentum" are joining forces to honour VP Joe Biden who has been the Senate sponsor or VAWA legislation. It's bad on every level:
- Joe Biden is a Catholic who supports abortion;
- NOW is one of the largest abortion promotors in the country; and
- VAWA falls grievously short of understanding the dynamics that lead to abuse of women.
That a Catholic institution is the setting for this tragic event is one more scandal in a year of scandals.
UPDATE: Irony alert! Pro-abortion Biden included in his remarks this statement:
You know there is no excuse for violence against a women or child. There is no excuse.
I guess that's why "choicers" don't like the graphic photos of aborted foetal remains -- it undermines their "safe and legal" platitudes with something that looks almost, well, violent. Jesus, mercy!
Not only does VAWA fall "grievously short of understanding the dynamics that lead to abuse of women," its legal implementation is a grave injustice to men, who are hamstrung by its false assumptions as to who is at fault in any given case of domestic violence. Even when these injustices against men are acknowledged, it seems that they are very often dismissed prematurely, as though they are not as important, because they are not injustices against women.
Posted by: John | Wednesday, 22 April 2009 at 02:07 PM