Canada, like all western countries struggling with their Christian identity, could use some prayers, and who better than one of its own saints?
Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620 -1700) was beatified by Pope John Paull II in 1982.
MARGUERITE BOURGEOYS was born in Troyes, in the province of Champagne (France), on Good Friday, April 17, 1620. She was baptized on the same day in the church of Saint-Jean, a church that was located near her home. Marguerite was the sixth child in a family of twelve. ...Marguerite was nineteen years of age when she lost her mother. In the following year, 1640, in the course of a procession held on October 7 in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, she had an unforgettable experience. Her eyes rested on a statue of the Blessed Virgin, and at that moment she felt inspired to withdraw from the world and to consecrate herself to the service of God. With that unchanging fidelity to what she believed to be God's will for her, a fidelity that characterized her life thenceforth, she set about to discern her specific vocation.
She registered, at once, as a member of the extern Congregation of Troyes, an association of young girls devoted to the charitable work of teaching children in the poor districts of the
town. While engaged in this apostolate she learned about the foundation of Ville Marie (Montreal) in Canada. The year was 1642, and at that time she sensed a first call to missionary life. This call was rendered concrete in 1652 when she met Monsieur de Maisonneuve, founder and governor of the settlement begun in New France, who was in search of someone who would volunteer her services for the gratuitous instruction of the French and Indian children. Our Lady confirmed the call addressed to her: "Go, I will not forsake you", she said. Thus assured, Marguerite left Troyes in February, 1653, in a spirit of complete detachment. She arrived in Montreal on the following 16th of November, and without delay she set to work to promote the best interests of the colony. She is rightly considered co-foundress of Montreal, with the nurse, Jeanne Mance, and the master designer, Monsieur de Maisonneuve.In order to encourage the colonists in their faith expression, she arranged for the restoration of the Cross on Mount Royal after it has been destroyed by hostile Indians, and she undertook the construction of a chapel dedicated to Notre-Dame de Bon Secours. Convinced of the importance of the family in the building of this new country, and perceiving the significance of the role to be exercised by women, she devoted herself to the task of preparing those whose vocation it would be to preside in a home. In 1658, in a stable which had been given to her by the governor for her use, she opened the first school in Montreal. She also organized an extern Congregation, patterned after the one which she had known in Troyes but adapted to the actual needs. In this way, she could respond to the needs of the women and young girls on whom much depended as far as the instruction of children was concerned. In 1659, she began receiving girls who were recommended by "les cures" in France, or endowed by the King, to come to establish homes in Montreal, and she became a real mother to them. Thus were initiated a school system and a network of social services which gradually extended through the whole country, and which led people to refer to Marguerite as "Mother of the Colony".
Salt and Light has provided an excellent prayer:
God of Love, by the intercession of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, who contributed so greatly to the human and Christian well-being of families in the New World, watch over our homes today.
Give to all children the daily bread and love they need, help adolescents discover meaning in their lives, help couples grow in love and fidelity. Guide parents in the education of their children. Fill the hearts of grandparents with peace and tenderness toward their grandchildren. Come to the help of those whose happiness is threatened.
Inspire and enlighten all those committed, like Saint Marguerite, to the well-being and happiness of families. Help us discover in the Holy Family of Nazareth, a real model of family life in the spirit of the Gospel. Amen.
Happy Canada Day, and Saint Marguerite intercede for families everywhere!
[Speaking of Salt and Light and saints, while I was there, I got this video of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla which was beyond excellent. Beautifully done, interviews with friends and family members -- most moving, of course, was her husband who attended her canonisation. As the notes recommend, very good for private viewing as well as larger groups. It can be broken into smaller segments for discussion. Highly recommended!]
Thank you for this lovely post on Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys. As a former pupil of the Congregation de Notre-Dame, it strikes a special cord...
Elise B.
Posted by: Elise B. | Friday, 03 July 2009 at 04:56 PM