Throughout the Muslim world, men have known that if they cannot woo a woman, win a wife or wheedle her into matrimony, they can just kidnap a Christian girl, force her to convert at knifepoint, bed her and voila! an ironclad nuptial that law must protect.
A father in Egypt lost his daughter, Myrna, that way, as she was snatched by Osama for his son Mohamed. She begged for rescue, and the ensuing events have sent violence and destruction rippling outward.
On their way to free his daughter, the father, together with his brother and brother-in-law, passed by a cafe near St. George's Church, Sidi Bishr, where Rafaat Girges Habib, a plumber who has done jobs in the father's home, volunteered to accompany them to bring Myrna back.
As they went to the apartment where Myrna was held, they were met by Osama Hefnawy, father of Mohamed and five other Muslims, who threatened them. A struggle ensued, and Myrna left with her father. She was taken away to an establishment dealing with abduction cases like hers, especially that it was found out that she was six months pregnant.
Osama Hefnawy immediately filed a report with the police and the State Security Headquarters in Al-Farana, Alexndri downtown. Myrna's paternal uncles were arrested and charged with abduction, together with her father. Myrna's family apartment was broken into and the shop of Rafaat Girges Habib was completely demolished by the police.
Is it any wonder that Christians are fleeing the Middle East in droves? Fathers cannot protect their families, and now we have one more family destitute because of the legal deck stacked against them.