The constraints set in place in parts of Europe limit the practical discussion about domestic violence in Islamic homes and the honour killings associated with that creed, despite the statistics that highlight the problem:
[A] Danish court has convicted [Lars Hedegaard, President of the Danish Free Press Society and The International Free Press Society] of racism for drawing attention to violence in Muslim families. The message Denmark has thus sent out is that it is racist and a crime to seek to defend Muslim women and children from the phenomenon of ‘honour violence’.
Where are the western feminists and defenders of free speech now?
A portion of his own words of defense are here:
What does the public prosecutor hope to accomplish by my conviction? He may drag me in front of a court. He may portray me as a racist, a right-wing extremist and a non-human. He may do the same to hundreds and thousands of others who insist on their right of free speech to describe Islam and Muslim culture just like we would deal with any other phenomenon in a free society. ...In conclusion permit me to mention the true victims in this case. The public prosecutor has not considered the 20,000 women in the Muslim world who every year fall victim to so-called honour killings, or the 50,000 Muslim girls in Germany who the federal police consider threatened with genital mutilation, nor the hundreds of thousands of little girls in Muslim majority societies who have been sold into marriage with much older men and who must therefore live a life of constant rape, while Islamic scholars preach that this is in complete accordance with religious orthodoxy. I hope that the judge as opposed to the public prosecutor will consider the fate of these unfortunate human beings.