Well, this was only a matter of time:
Two California high school students became one of the first lesbian couples crowned homecoming king and queen in the nation this weekend. Rebeca Arellano, a senior at Patrick Henry High School, was made the school's first female homecoming king when her name was announced Friday at a pep rally.
"They were chanting my name and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had," said Arellano.
Arellano's girlfriend, Haileigh Adams, who also attends Patrick Henry High School, was made homecoming queen at Saturday night's dance.
Rebeca sounds bubbly and positive (of course) but repeatedly refers to her partner as "my girl." Odd phrase, perhaps trying to be like an old-fashioned guy? Not sure, but she draws a line of demarcation in a exaggerated place:
"For all the girls who think tradition should be continued, go back to the kitchen, stop having sex before you're married, get out of school and job system, don't have an opinion, don't own any property, give up the right to marry who you love, don't vote, and allow your husband to do whatever he pleases to you. Think about the meaning of tradition when you use it in your argument against us."
That's why "tradition" is the wrong place to look for guidance on vocation--either feminine or masculine. She has confused particulars (or accidentals) with substance, not to mention ignoring the relationship between virtue and the overall health of society.
Poor dears. Egged along by their parents, their peers and the educational establishment, what were they to do? There was a time when younsters would have rebelled, but when rebellion becomes mainstream, the kids don't know integrity from a hole in the ground.