My newest piece at Catholic Lane is here:
While many pious people are wringing their hands over the popular culture and wondering if God will save his people, I find that the moral decay and preposterous incongruities we witness daily actually reinforce all I believe about Divine Revelation [read the rest ...]
While many pious people are wringing their hands over the popular culture and wondering if God will save his people, I find that the moral decay and preposterous incongruities we witness daily actually reinforce all I believe about Divine Revelation. What else is to be expected when God is removed from the Public Square? - See more at:
While many pious people are wringing their hands over the popular culture and wondering if God will save his people, I find that the moral decay and preposterous incongruities we witness daily actually reinforce all I believe about Divine Revelation. What else is to be expected when God is removed from the Public Square? - See more at:
While many pious people are wringing their hands over the popular culture and wondering if God will save his people, I find that the moral decay and preposterous incongruities we witness daily actually reinforce all I believe about Divine Revelation. What else is to be expected when God is removed from the Public Square? - See more at:
My most recent column has been posted:
There are many appeals to “authentic Islam,” which is purported to be peaceful, reverent of the human person, and an allied faith against an increasingly secular world. And yet, as many know, the foundation of much of the violence in the Near East is the difference of opinion concerning where authority lies: in the traditions of Islam as guarded by the Sunni leaders or in the leadership of those descended from Muhammed himself, the Shi’ites [read the rest...]
(lthough the point is not to dissect Islam, but rather to distill our own thoughts)
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