This is an important reminder on the reasons why drafting women will be disastrous:
Unchanging physical differences between the sexes will always render women at a stark disadvantage in offensive kill missions. In the Marines’ testing, women suffered 2-6 times the injuries of their male counterparts. Active-duty women average 2-10 times the injuries compared to men before even attempting to achieve men’s standards or the combat arms’ much more grueling demands. It should go without saying that higher rates of injury are a liability to units that have to endure and withstand the toughest physical demands as they hunt and kill our enemies. Drafting women for this will result in much higher turnover, weakened combat effectiveness and fewer of both men and women coming home alive and victorious against our enemies.
Even when the best women were paired with men in a recent Marine integration study, the results showed that readiness, effectiveness, and success rates plummeted, not to mention the women sustained far greater injuries. One might ponder the real strategy of putting women into combat: the prospect of dead mothers will be a deterrent to any battle; diminished fighting capacity will cause the CIC to reconsider many deployments; and distracted and demoralised troops will discourage many from considering a military career -- which combine to undermine American interests around the world and encourage our enemies.
Which is a win-win for those who disparage all that our civilisation stands for -- check out the standard texts for Gender Study departments nationwide. "Men wage wars" has been their mantra for decades. Stacking the troops with those who will undermine troop effectiveness promotes androgyny as the antidote while simply replacing testosterone with estrogen. Which wages "peace" as a façade for capitulation.