I'll be discussing this article this morning with John Harper on Relevant Radio's Morning Air (9:30am EST). With all due respect, in winning so many pro-life battles, we may have [temporarily] lost the war, and we cannot recover until we acknowledge the root of the lie:
If you look at this chaos in terms of cultural Marxism, it becomes clear, especially as we review the stages of confrontation specific to the pro-life movement. The first battle was enormous and urgent -- to save the life of the child. It took years, but technology was on our side. Education about fetal development was key, and what fetal models did at the outset, the ultrasound perfected, so that there are very few people who have not seen the marvelous images of the unborn child: they are in scrap books, on refrigerators, and even in a handful of television commercials -- this is a tremendous a victory for life!
The second battle was for motherhood, which was to underscore the strength of women everywhere, to show that they were strong enough to handle pregnancy in a host of adverse circumstances: while still in school, while working stressful jobs, after having suffered abuse or rape, while encumbered financially, while feeling emotionally fragile, while responsible for other children, and even when facing special needs or medical emergencies -- this is a tremendous victory for women!
But the greater battle has yet to be won, and this is where Marxism and its insidious lies have prevailed, even here -- despite the political changes that accompanied the fall of the Berlin Wall, its cultural footprint remains. The majority of millennials are pro-life -- in that they want the unborn child to be given the benefit of the doubt, a chance at life. Gone are the days of stigma, where a woman would have an abortion because of the shame of a child out of wedlock. Schools and workplaces accommodate pregnancy no matter what the particular details of the situation, and in this realm we see that choice has won.
Having a baby at any stage of life, within marriage or without, has so prevailed that we now come to the root horror of our predicament: fatherhood is no longer an essential component of family life. The quest to defend life and to empower women has left men completely out in the cold, and few people see their value -- even though a woman cannot be a mother without a man: the child exists only because of his seed...
For the complete article, go here.